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By ECP 21 Dec, 2020
Especially as families from all walks of life begin to consider studying abroad, foreign education is no longer simply an embellishment. A degree is not as valuable as a skill. Many international students these days tend to study a technical program. So today, we will go over the path of study and emigration for technical programs.
By ECP 21 Dec, 2020
By ECPIE 21 Nov, 2020
In Canada, there is no national Ministry of Education because education is the responsibility of the province rather than the federal government. In the B.C. province, governments at all levels have made a strong commitment to combine strict inspection and a transparent assessment process to ensure high-quality education throughout the entire education system.
By ECPIE 21 Nov, 2020


By ECPIE 19 Sep, 2020
There are 96 universities throughout Canada, with branches in various provinces, among which Ontario, B.C. and Quebec account for housing the most. There are 24 universities in Ontario and 16 in B.C. Although there are 18 universities in Quebec, most of them are French schools and only three teach English.
By ECPIE 19 Sep, 2020
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