Summer Camp | 夏令营

Summer Camp in Vancouver

How to spend a unique summer vacation?

Join Vancouver Summer Camp, explore Canada's natural scenery and cultural charm, and spend an unforgettable summer trip together! Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and boasts a wide variety of tourist attractions and colourful outdoor activities. Surrounded by vast oceans and beautiful mountains, Vancouver has endless golden beaches, verdant virgin forests, and the excitement and convenience of a bustling metropolis. Whether you want to roam through the world-famous Stanley Park or enjoy the scenery at the famous Grouse Mountain ski resort, Vancouver, the host city of the 2010 World Winter Olympics, is a must-see tourist destination. Come experience the natural unique charm of Vancouver!


加入温哥华夏令营,共同探索加拿大的自然风光与人文魅力 ,一起度过难忘的夏日旅途!作为全世界最美的城市之一,温哥华有各色的旅游景点与丰富多彩的户外活动。浩瀚海洋和美丽山峦环抱中的温哥华,既有一望无际的金色海滩,苍青翠绿的原始森林,又有繁华都会的热闹与便利。不论是在世界闻名的史丹利公园徜徉,还是在著名滑雪胜地松鸡山观景,温哥华作为2010年世界冬奥会的主办城市,是不可错过的旅游胜地。当你置身于此,自然而然能体验到温哥华的独特魅力!

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