Homestay & Custodianship |寄宿家庭与监护人

Host Families and Custodians


Generally, students receive their admission letter from the school in May and June, and their next step is to prepare their visa and find a place to stay. While university students can stay in school dormitories in their first year, international students arriving in Canada for elementary to high school must find a good host family if they have no relatives to stay with in Canada. Host families will provide accommodation and three meals a day, which is very convenient for international students who have often left their parents for the first time. Host families are families native to Canada, so students have a good environment to learn English naturally.


In addition to host families, the Canadian government also requires underage students to have a Canadian guardian, whose main role is to perform guardianship duties on behalf of their parents. Guardians must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents but do not have to live with students. When students encounter health problems, parents' meetings, and teachers' conversations, the guardian needs to help the child in the parents’ stead.


Choosing a suitable host family and responsible guardian is crucial for providing international students a beneficial start to their new life in Canada.





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