ECP International 
Education Inc.

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Study in Canada 
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Summer Camps
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By ECP 21 Dec, 2020
Especially as families from all walks of life begin to consider studying abroad, foreign education is no longer simply an embellishment. A degree is not as valuable as a skill. Many international students these days tend to study a technical program. So today, we will go over the path of study and emigration for technical programs.
By ECP 21 Dec, 2020
By ECPIE 21 Nov, 2020
In Canada, there is no national Ministry of Education because education is the responsibility of the province rather than the federal government. In the B.C. province, governments at all levels have made a strong commitment to combine strict inspection and a transparent assessment process to ensure high-quality education throughout the entire education system.
By ECPIE 21 Nov, 2020


By ECPIE 19 Sep, 2020
There are 96 universities throughout Canada, with branches in various provinces, among which Ontario, B.C. and Quebec account for housing the most. There are 24 universities in Ontario and 16 in B.C. Although there are 18 universities in Quebec, most of them are French schools and only three teach English.
By ECPIE 19 Sep, 2020

About Us

ECP International Education Inc. is an educational institution registered in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Since our establishment in 2004, we have worked closely with many universities, colleges and school districts to provide students with rich resources for success and to plan for further studies. ECP delivers more than 200 students to Canada every year with professional application materials and plans for further education. Over the past 10 years, we have brought in over 3,000 Chinese students to Canada.

ECP has collaborated with Canadian educational institutions to create more opportunities in higher education. We have established Newton College Vancouver (NCV) in joint with the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), a dual language course at Brock University in Ontario, and a master's course in building management in joint with the University of British Columbia (UBC). 

Over the years, we have also provided our own specialized technical courses that meet the current needs of the job market as well as customized English as a second language (ESL) courses for international students who wish to complete their university or college education in Canada. Our courses connect with professional courses in Canadian public universities and provide a conscientious foundation for students to facilitate entry into Canadian universities. 

We continue to maintain our strong cooperative relations with schools of all levels across British Columbia. These schools include public primary and secondary schools in districts inside and outside of the Greater Vancouver Area (such as Coquitlam, Surrey, and Squamish), private schools (like Glenlyon Norfolk School on Vancouver Island), and post-secondary institutions such as UBC, BCIT, Brock University, and Sprott Shaw College.

With the influx of younger international students in recent years and the gradual development of study abroad programs in Vancouver Island’s market, ECP moved the company to Nanaimo in 2018, and cooperated with Vancouver Island’s school boards and a few independent secondary schools, such as Glenlyon Norfolk School (“GNS”), a century-old school ranked among the top 10 B.C. secondary schools, to refer students and provide integrated services such as landing, homestay, study planning, and tutoring for underage students. Due to the outbreak of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the main focus of the requirements for younger foreign students and their parents has been on safety and healthy living conditions. Since September 2020, ECP has suggested and consulted for a new Study Care Residency Program, which provides residencies of high-standard safety and hygiene. The Study Care Residency Program mainly focuses on Home-style Boarding, with six students placed in the same house where local guardians care for them and arrange accommodation. The program’s future tie-in mobile App will also allow parents to check in on students’ schedule and progress of their after-school activities. In the midst of the pandemic, parents appreciated this project we provided. After observing the pilot run for one semester and receiving feedback from parents, ECP decided to gradually develop Study Care Residency Program as a long-term project in both the Great Vancouver Aera, starting from the city of Surrey, and Vancouver Island Area, starting from the city of Nanaimo.

ECP has now been operating for over 16 years. Though we are proud of our outstanding record, we do not rest on our past achievements. Our focus always on what we can do today and what is yet to be done. As a company of initiative, our steadfast mission has always been to support international students in pursuit of their dreams—and by doing so, to make positive contributions, big and small, to the advancement of education itself. 


       ECP International Education Inc.全称为Effective Communication Partner International Education Inc.,是一间注册于加拿大英属哥伦比亚省温哥华市的教育机构。自2004年成立以来,与众多学校及学校局有密切合作,致力为学生提供丰富的院校资源及升学规划,帮助学生走向成功。ECP凭借专业的申请材料及升学规划,每年向加拿大输送学生超过两百人,十几年来,输送加拿大留学生已超过三千人。

       ECP曾与不列颠哥伦比亚理工学院(简称为:BCIT)联合成立牛顿学院Newton College Vancouver(简称为:NCV),也曾于安大略省布鲁克大学Brock University合作成立双录取语言课程,以及与英属哥伦比亚大学(简称为: UBC )合作成立建筑管理硕士课程 。


       ECP目前与英属哥伦比亚省的众多院校保持良好合作关系,中小学公立学校局包括大温地区高桂林学校局,素里学校局,斯阔米什学校局等,私立贵族学校包括温哥华岛格里杨诺克学校(Glenlyon Norfolk School);高等院校包括英属哥伦比亚大学,不列颠英属哥伦比亚理工学院,布鲁克大学,博文学院等众多院校。

         随着未成年留学生数量的逐年增加以及温哥华岛留学市场的扩张,ECP于2018年将办公地点搬至Nanaimo,并同时与温哥华岛的学校局及私校建立友好关系,向他们输送学生,并为学生提供落地、寄宿、学习规划、辅导等服务。我们合作的学校包括GNS(BC中小学排名前十)等学校。由于2020年全球疫情的爆发,许多未成年学生家长将重点转移到了居住环境及安全问题上。从2020年9月开始,ECP提出了Study Care Residency Program - 向学生提供高安全标准及消毒的居住场所。Study Care Residency Program主要指家庭式寄宿宿舍,将六个孩子安排在同一独立屋内,并安排专业的监护人关照及处理他们生活上的需求。为配合此项目,我们将设计一款手机APP,让学生家长可以远程了解孩子的学校作息及课外生活。进行一个学期的试点后,我们决定将此项目长期发展,并由大温地区的素里市及温哥华岛的Nanaimo市开始起步。





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